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MantineProvider was not found in component tree. What should I do?

Last updated

Error message:

@mantine/core: MantineProvider was not found in component tree, make sure you have it in your app.

The error above occurs in the following cases:

  • You are do not have MantineProvider in your app at all
  • You are rendering Mantine components outside of MantineProvider context
  • You have different versions of @mantine/* packages in your application. For example, you have @mantine/core@7.0.0 and @mantine/dates@7.1.0 installed.
  • There was an issue during packages installation. Usually this happens with pnpm.
  • Your app has multiple instances of @mantine/core package in the bundle. This may happen if your project is a monorepo and you have multiple node_modules folders.

Steps to resolve the issue:

  • Make sure that you have MantineProvider in your app and it wraps all Mantine components.
  • Make sure that you have only one version of @mantine/core in your app. If you are using monorepo, make sure all packages depend on the same version of @mantine/core.
  • Reinstall dependencies by removing node_modules folder and running npm install or yarn install again.
  • If you still have issues, you can use one of the official templates as reference.