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What is the difference between searchable Select and Autocomplete?

Last updated

Searchable select

Use Select component in the following cases:

  • You want to restrict user to a list of predefined options
  • You want to display all available options to the user and allow searching through them
  • You want to discard user input on blur if option was not selected from the dropdown
  • value and label of the option are not the same, for example, { value: 'US', label: 'United States' }

For example, you can use Select to select country from the list of all countries:

import { Select } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
      label="Your country"
      placeholder="Select country"
        { value: 'ca', label: 'Canada' },
        { value: 'br', label: 'Brazil' },
        { value: 'in', label: 'India' },
        { value: 'mx', label: 'Mexico' },
        { value: 'au', label: 'Australia' },
        { value: 'kr', label: 'South Korea' },
        { value: 'id', label: 'Indonesia' },
        { value: 'tr', label: 'Turkey' },
        { value: 'nl', label: 'Netherlands' },
        { value: 'ch', label: 'Switzerland' },
        { value: 'sa', label: 'Saudi Arabia' },
        { value: 'se', label: 'Sweden' },
        { value: 'pl', label: 'Poland' },
        { value: 'ar', label: 'Argentina' },
        { value: 'be', label: 'Belgium' },
        { value: 'th', label: 'Thailand' },
        { value: 'at', label: 'Austria' },
        { value: 'ae', label: 'United Arab Emirates' },
        { value: 'hk', label: 'Hong Kong' },
        { value: 'dk', label: 'Denmark' },
        { value: 'sg', label: 'Singapore' },
        { value: 'my', label: 'Malaysia' },
        { value: 'no', label: 'Norway' },
        { value: 'ng', label: 'Nigeria' },
        { value: 'cz', label: 'Czech Republic' },
        { value: 'za', label: 'South Africa' },
        { value: 'ro', label: 'Romania' },

In the example above, the user can select country from the list of all countries, but cannot enter any other value.


Use Autocomplete component in the following cases:

  • You want to allow user to enter any value
  • You want to display suggestions to the user based on the input value
  • You want to preserve user input on blur if option was not selected from the dropdown
  • value and label of the option are the same, for example, 'United States'

For example, you can use Autocomplete to ask user to enter city:

import { Autocomplete } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
      label="Your city"
      placeholder="Your city"
        'New York',
        'Los Angeles',
        'San Antonio',
        'San Diego',
        'San Jose',

In the example above, suggestions are based on the input value, but the user can enter any value and it will be preserved on blur.